Google Maps now also recognizes dishes on your menus

For restaurants, the Google Maps entry is indispensable for finding their own location. Until now, it was possible to use Google my Business for opening hours and similar information.
Since the end of April 2020, restaurant operators have benefited from an additional function. Google‘s worldwide map service now also reads menus, allowing you to draw additional attention to your offer.
Useful extension with Lens image recognition software
Google-my-Business has been an effective extension of Google Maps for local service providers for years. Previously, it was possible to create personal entries and add a picture of the restaurant, for example. With the current integration of the image recognition software Lens, Google is expanding the range of functions of Maps, which will benefit restaurants in particular.
In addition to the integration of menus as image material, Google users can upload their own images of dishes. This is of course also possible for you as a restaurant operator to present highlights or novelties.
The intelligent software links menu entries with the uploaded image files. This allows potential customers to get an overview of the dishes on offer before they visit the restaurant.
Practical decision-making aid for connoisseurs
The new service is designed to help customers decide which restaurant to go to. In addition to the inviting character of the restaurant, this makes it easier to get an impression of the quality and composition of the dishes.
The linking of images and menu entries also makes it easier to assign them. This is an advantage for restaurants with exotic dishes, of which customers can get a clear picture on Google Maps.
The new function enables you as the operator to link dishes to entries on your menu yourself. However, it is less about providing restaurants with new advertising space.
Instead, the new service invites restaurant visitors to share their photos and provide a realistic insight into the quality and arrangement of dishes. This promotes the quality awareness of the restaurants and invites guests to try out new delicacies more easily.
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